(email) A small crisis has just come up at the lab that we think your group would be able to help with. One of our tech writers, Antoine Molson, has suddenly disappeared. We have reason to suspect that he might have been a mole from some external group, possibly connected to some government agency that is trying to keep tabs on our groundbreaking work. Mostly we base this suspicion on the fact that we couldn't ever understand the documents that he revised for us in preparation for publication to scientific journals (he just assured us that that's what professional scientific writing looks like). We're sending you both a sample of some recent writing he did for us, and some awfully suspicious stuff he left in the office shredder. If he's trying to send some secret messages to his superiors we bet it's in there somehow. See if you can find any secret messages and, ideally, deduce who he's working for. [Canadian] Redaction Agency Procedures 1234567890123456789012345678 requestingreturn missingmrbig subjectisnutsbutharmless climateuncomfortablyhot animalfriespoorsubstituteforpoutine starts with a greek letter 5-letter homophone letter sounrds (excess, effects, decay, essay, eighty, empty, excel, enemy, entity) three Is change sound part-of-speech absent - abstract - accent - addict - address - affect - affix - alloy - ally - annex - assay - attribute - augment - belay - bombard - combat - combine - commune - compact - complex - compost - compound - compress - concert - conduct - confect - confine(s) - conflict - conscript - conserve - consist - console - consort - construct - consult - content - contest - contract - contrast - converse - convert - convict - costume - decrease - default - defect - desert - detail - dictate - digest - discard - discharge - discount - discourse - dismount - document - escort - essay - excise - exploit - export - extract - finance - foretaste - foretoken - forward - frequent - gallant - impact - implant - implement - impound - import - impress - imprint - incense - incline - increase - indent - inlay - insert - insult - intercept - interchange - intercross - interdict - interlink - interlock - intern - interplay - interspace - interweave - intrigue - invert - invite - involute - mandate - misprint - object - offset - ornament - overcount - overlap - overlay - overlook - override - overrun - overturn - perfect - perfume - permit - pervert - prefix - present - proceed(s) - produce - progress - project - protest - purport - rebel - recall - recap - recess - recoil - record - re-count - redirect - redo - redress - refill - refund - refuse - regress - rehash - reject - relapse - relay - remake - repeat - reprint - research - reserve - reset - retake - retard - retract - retread - rewrite - segment - subject - survey - suspect - torment - transfer - transform - transplant - transect - transport - transpose - traverse - undercount - underlay - underline - underscore - update - upgrade - uplift - upset tachyons their -- 5-letter homophone energy -- letter sounds sensitivities -- three consecutive Is with no other vowels effects -- letter sounds vicissitude -- three consecutive Is with no other vowels produce -- changes sound noun-verb. defects -- changes sound noun-verb. which -- 5-letter homophone subject -- changes sound noun-verb. vulnerabilities -- three Is would -- 5-letter effects -- letter sounrds